[moved] Re: owl:imports and xml namespace!

At 1:19 PM +0200 6/27/03, Davide Noaro wrote:
I don't understand why in owl:imports you didn't put an attribute to 
set up a shorthand notation for names of the elements imported.
There is a redundancy between the namespace declarations and 
owl:imports statements like in DAML.... why you didn't add an 
attribute like in SHOE to specify the prefix of the elements? Is 
there a motivation that giustify the redundancy?
Thank you in advance for you answers,
Davide Noaro

Davide - this mailing list is primarily intended, at this point, for 
the Last Call comments on OWL documents - and the last call on the 
reference and semantics closed more than a month ago.  I'm taking the 
liberty of forwarding your mail to ww-rdf-logic@w3.org which is where 
our documents suggest discussion of issues such as this.
  -Jim Hendler

Received on Friday, 27 June 2003 09:03:55 UTC